After your headstone has been created and installed in the cemetery, a lot of people see it right after it has been installed and then don’t return for a month or longer only to find that it is coated in hard water stains, caked with sap drippings, crusted with bird droppings, or covered in mold and mildew growth. While we don’t deal with all of those issues here in Southern Utah, we do have extremely hard water.

Depending on where the cemetery is located, there are many different issues that the headstone may have, and just as many methods of cleaning them. We are going to go over the methods that have worked for us without damaging the stone.

Before we jump into the cleaning process, we would like to stress that you ask permission before cleaning someone else’s monument. If you cannot get ahold of the family, contact the cemetery sexton.

Step 1: Determine how bad the damage is

Headstones in cemeteries with sprinklers usually have issues with hard water stains. The longer they go without cleaning, the more the hard water stains build up. Anywhere within the first few years without cleaning, you can probably take care of the cleaning yourself if you so choose. If it has been longer than 10 years, you might want to have it professionally cleaned.

Before and after picture of a cleaned headstone.

Step 2: Choosing the right tool

For cleaning granite and marble headstones we recommend soft bristles or a microfiber cloth. For black stones that show scratches more easily, it is recommended to use what is called a Tampico brush. While using these may cause the work to take longer, it will also prevent damage to the stone.

Pro Tip- razor blades can work miracles. After soaking the stone in water or cleaner, try using a razorblade at a 30-degree angle to scrape off hard water, tree sap, or other coatings that are not coming off with a brush.

Step 3: Pick your cleaner

The next step in cleaning your headstone is choosing which cleaner to use.

For hard water, we recommend starting with a mixture of one-part white vinegar and one-part water. If that does not work, the cleaner we use is called Sparks. (here is the link to purchase it from their website: cleaner is not for use on metal, marble, travertine, limestone, or other calcite materials.

For this cleaner, you will want to spray the stone with water first. Next, spray the Sparks cleaner on and let it sit until bubbling/fizzing stops, then scrub with your chosen scrubbing tool. Rinse well after scrubbing, then rinse again. Failure to rinse all the cleaner off can cause permanent damage to the stone.

This is an acid-based cleaning solution, so please wear gloves and eye protection.

For a safer, biodegradable, acid-free solution, we also recommend Safe-D-Scale. Single bottles are not sold online directly from the company, but we do stock them in our store.

Whichever cleaner you use, please read the directions carefully.

Headstone cleaners

Step 4: Rinse and repeat

The final and most important step in cleaning your headstone is rinsing.

After scrubbing the headstone, rinse it off completely. As stated above rinsing off all the cleaner is crucial.  If hard water is still there, repeat the application of the cleaner and continue scrubbing.

Paint touch up

When a headstone is dirty, it can appear that the paint is fading. Often times, after removing dirt and hard water deposits, the paint is in perfect condition. However, the paint may eventually need a touch up, and we can provide that service with specialized headstone paint. Stop by our location for more information.

Example of paint touch-ups.

Is it ok to seal your headstone?

Another question we get is how to seal the monument so that the hard water no longer sticks to it. The answer to this question is not one people like to hear.

While we do have a sealer that helps protect the stone a bit, it only lasts two years before needing to be re-applied. It also does not do much to protect it against hard water stains.

We have seen people use Vaseline, baby oil, WD-40, and even car wax but that creates oil stains and can cause permanent damage the stone.

The best thing you can do to keep your headstone clean and preserve the strength and integrity of the stone is to keep up on the maintenance. We recommend cleaning it yearly, or twice a year in cemeteries with harder water. We do provide this service for cemeteries in Southern Utah. Please contact our office for more information if you are interested.

Our Goal

We know trying to figure out how to best clean your headstone can be difficult. We are happy to help any way we can! We hope this article helps. If you have any questions that were not answered in this article, please do not hesitate to call our office. Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make a beautiful, lasting headstone for your loved ones.

Cleaning hard water off a headstone